
Best of Italy Race – San Bonifacio 28.06.18

On 28 June 2018, the Pakelo Lubricants headquarters in San Bonifacio (VR) hosted “parc fermé” of the Best Of Italy Race 2019 , to announce the many innovations in store for the year 2019. Together with Pakelo, Maserati, Boir and we were also present at other renowned brands (motorcycle and otherwise), lining up our GC Corse (Varano Kit) among the numerous dream bikes.

A prestigious event thanks to the many Contributors where important initiatives for lovers of 2 and 4 wheels were presented. Italian pride is accompanied by the desire for competition. In fact, for 2019 one of the big news is this: Best Of Italy Race VS The Rest of The World. The first global edition of BOIR will feature one hundred Italian motorbikes against one hundred foreign motorbikes
on 14 and 15 September 2019 Who will win? Instead, the event scheduled for April 2019 will be the BOIR Road & Track Edition , a tour from the 22nd to the 26th promoted by Boir in association with ACI. A fantastic idea that combines all the excellences of our Italian nature: art, motors and food. An opportunity to explore cities of art, history and motors, alternating famous circuits, entertainment and haute cuisine. Five days of adventure, style and sporting regularity. Reservations are already open... what are you waiting for?


